Vivian Fowler Memorial College for Girls
Boarding Facilities
The College Hostels are roomy and befittingly furnished, with emphasis on comfort and security. There are indoor games as well as Video/TV facilities in the common room for relaxation. However, life in the hostel is strictly monitored by a mother-figure assisted by matrons who are compassionate, yet firm. Boarding students are expected to follow a routine of scheduled activities including siesta, prep and recreation. It is imperative that they obey all the boarding house rules.
On Sundays, students are taken to places of worship; Anglicans, Catholics and Pentecostals all have opportunities to worship in a Church of their denomination. Muslims worship on Fridays and are also taken to NASFAT on Sundays. The hostel is open to students of different faiths and no one is compelled to follow any particular form of worship. Accordingly, anyone who desires to stay away from services on account of her faith will be permitted to do so.